The Team
Ross Wilson [Chair]
Ross is a lawyer and mediator from Wellington who spent most of his working life as a union leader, but for the past 10 years, since retiring as President of the Council of Trade Unions, has been involved in international development and governance work. He welcomed the opportunity to Chair the Trust from mid 2017, and enjoys working with the talented group of fellow trustees.
Mere Boynton
Mere is of Te Aitanga a Mahaki,Te Aitanga a Hauiti and Tuhoe descent. She is a multi-talented singer, actor and MC. She has had formal training in voice and she has developed her own style of singing that draws upon her classical training and taha Māori. Mere is well known for her ability to cross genres from opera through to light jazz and waiata Māori. She has worked in events management and community engagement for Wellington City Council, Taki Rua Theatre and Te Papa Museum. She currently resides in Napier and is the programme manager for the Te Ha Trust, Tairāwhiti. Mere continues to create and collaborate with other artists on new music and theatre pieces.
Rebecca Guppy
Rebecca has worked in hospitality for over half of her life. With a massive love for food she spends her days making treats in the kitchen at the Seashore Cabaret. She is also an art school drop out and has an interest in writing and lots of things creative. When she isn't in the kitchen she is knitting or hanging out with her dogs. She has welcomed becoming part of Major Arc as a way to exercise her artistic vision and Major Arc welcomes her fresh perspective and energy. She is currently working on a book with the support of Major Arc. A work that combines her writing with visual art.